Form type:
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | App\Entity\Comment {#770 -id: null -post: null -content: null -publishedAt: DateTimeImmutable @1740261839 {#862 date: 2025-02-22 23:03:59.716868 Europe/Paris (+01:00) } -author: null } |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
data | App\Entity\Comment {#770 -id: null -post: null -content: null -publishedAt: DateTimeImmutable @1740261839 {#862 date: 2025-02-22 23:03:59.716868 Europe/Paris (+01:00) } -author: null } |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#310 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#320 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#321 …} -namespace: Closure() {#323 …} } |
data | App\Entity\Comment {#770 -id: null -post: null -content: null -publishedAt: DateTimeImmutable @1740261839 {#862 date: 2025-02-22 23:03:59.716868 Europe/Paris (+01:00) } -author: null } |
data_class | "App\Entity\Comment" |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#899 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" use: { $class: "App\Entity\Comment" } } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#901 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#227 …} $message: Closure() {#900 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "comment1" "_comment1" ] |
cache_key | "_comment1_comment1" |
compound | true |
data | App\Entity\Comment {#770 -id: null -post: null -content: null -publishedAt: DateTimeImmutable @1740261839 {#862 date: 2025-02-22 23:03:59.716868 Europe/Paris (+01:00) } -author: null } |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#1101 -errors: [] -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#987 …} } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#902 …5} |
full_name | "comment1" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "comment1" |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "comment1" |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_comment1" |
valid | true |
value | App\Entity\Comment {#770 -id: null -post: null -content: null -publishedAt: DateTimeImmutable @1740261839 {#862 date: 2025-02-22 23:03:59.716868 Europe/Paris (+01:00) } -author: null } |
Form type:
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 255 ] |
[ "maxlength" => 255 ] |
required | true |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 255 ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#310 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#320 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#321 …} -namespace: Closure() {#323 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#1063 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
sanitize_html | false |
sanitizer | null |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#1048 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#227 …} $message: Closure() {#1072 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 255 ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "text" "_comment1_content" ] |
cache_key | "_comment1_content_text" |
compound | false |
data | null |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#1139 -errors: [] -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1129 …} } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#1140 …5} |
full_name | "comment1[content]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "comment1_content" |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "content" |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_comment1_content" |
valid | true |
value | "" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
input | "datetime_immutable" |
same as passed value |
required | true |
same as passed value |
widget | "single_text" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | false |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#310 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#320 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#321 …} -namespace: Closure() {#323 …} } |
data_class | null |
date_format | null |
date_label | null |
date_widget | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | "" |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
format | "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss" |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
html5 | true |
inherit_data | false |
input | "datetime_immutable" |
input_format | "Y-m-d H:i:s" |
invalid_message | "Please enter a valid date and time." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
model_timezone | null |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
time_label | null |
time_widget | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#1038 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#227 …} $message: Closure() {#1039 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
view_timezone | null |
widget | "single_text" |
with_minutes | true |
with_seconds | false |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "datetime" "_comment1_publishedAt" ] |
cache_key | "_comment1_publishedAt_datetime" |
compound | false |
data | DateTime @1740261839 {#1108 date: 2025-02-22 23:03:59.716868 Europe/Paris (+01:00) } |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#1126 -errors: [] -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1132 …} } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#1130 …5} |
full_name | "comment1[publishedAt]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "comment1_publishedAt" |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "publishedAt" |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
type | "datetime-local" |
unique_block_prefix | "_comment1_publishedAt" |
valid | true |
value | "2025-02-22T23:03" |
widget | "single_text" |
Form type:
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
choice_label | "title" |
same as passed value |
class | "App\Entity\Post" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
choice_attr | null |
choice_filter | null |
choice_label | "title" |
choice_loader | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceLoader {#1020 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\DoctrineChoiceLoader {#897 …} } |
choice_name | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceFieldName {#971 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType::createChoiceName(object $choice, string|int $key, string $value): string {#1008 …} } |
choice_translation_domain | false |
choice_translation_parameters | [] |
choice_value | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceValue {#970 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\IdReader::getIdValue(?object $object = null): string {#969 …} } |
choices | null |
class | "App\Entity\Post" |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#310 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#320 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#321 …} -namespace: Closure() {#323 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
duplicate_preferred_choices | true |
em | ContainerVrFmTzZ\EntityManagerGhost614a58f {#378 …12} |
empty_data | "" |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
expanded | false |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
group_by | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id_reader | Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\IdReader {#889 -singleId: true -intId: true -idField: "id" -associationIdReader: null -om: ContainerVrFmTzZ\EntityManagerGhost614a58f {#378 …12} -classMetadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#931 …} } |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The selected choice is invalid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
multiple | false |
placeholder | null |
placeholder_attr | [] |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preferred_choices | [] |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
query_builder | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
separator | "-------------------" |
separator_html | false |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | false |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#892 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#227 …} $message: Closure() {#871 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "choice" "entity" "_comment1_post" ] |
cache_key | "_comment1_post_entity" |
choice_translation_domain | false |
choice_translation_parameters | [] |
choices | [ 39 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1050 +data: App\Entity\Post {#1307 …} +value: "39" +label: "Diplome 2025" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 36 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1152 +data: App\Entity\Post {#1315 …} +value: "36" +label: "Mamamiah" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 37 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1159 +data: App\Entity\Post {#1198 …} +value: "37" +label: "Pierres en lumiere" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 38 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1122 +data: App\Entity\Post {#1297 …} +value: "38" +label: "Jazz Night" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } ] |
compound | false |
data | null |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#1125 -errors: [] -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1135 …} } |
expanded | false |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#1124 …5} |
full_name | "comment1[post]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "comment1_post" |
is_selected | Closure($choice, $value) {#1003 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType" } |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
multiple | false |
name | "post" |
placeholder | null |
placeholder_attr | [] |
placeholder_in_choices | false |
preferred_choices | [] |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
separator | "-------------------" |
separator_html | false |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_comment1_post" |
valid | true |
value | "" |
Form type:
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
choice_label | "username" |
same as passed value |
class | "App\Entity\User" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
choice_attr | null |
choice_filter | null |
choice_label | "username" |
choice_loader | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceLoader {#1007 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\DoctrineChoiceLoader {#1083 …} } |
choice_name | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceFieldName {#1098 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType::createChoiceName(object $choice, string|int $key, string $value): string {#1008 …} } |
choice_translation_domain | false |
choice_translation_parameters | [] |
choice_value | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceValue {#1095 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\IdReader::getIdValue(?object $object = null): string {#1096 …} } |
choices | null |
class | "App\Entity\User" |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#310 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#320 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#321 …} -namespace: Closure() {#323 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
duplicate_preferred_choices | true |
em | ContainerVrFmTzZ\EntityManagerGhost614a58f {#378 …12} |
empty_data | "" |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
expanded | false |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
group_by | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id_reader | Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\IdReader {#1088 -singleId: true -intId: true -idField: "id" -associationIdReader: null -om: ContainerVrFmTzZ\EntityManagerGhost614a58f {#378 …12} -classMetadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1093 …} } |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The selected choice is invalid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
multiple | false |
placeholder | null |
placeholder_attr | [] |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preferred_choices | [] |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
query_builder | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
separator | "-------------------" |
separator_html | false |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | false |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#1082 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#227 …} $message: Closure() {#1079 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "choice" "entity" "_comment1_author" ] |
cache_key | "_comment1_author_entity" |
choice_translation_domain | false |
choice_translation_parameters | [] |
choices | [ 1 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1154 +data: App\Entity\User {#1296 …} +value: "1" +label: "jane_admin" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 2 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1291 +data: App\Entity\User {#1284 …} +value: "2" +label: "tom_admin" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 3 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1301 +data: App\Entity\User {#1285 …} +value: "3" +label: "john_user" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 4 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1150 +data: App\Entity\User {#1286 …} +value: "4" +label: "pataplouf" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 5 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1210 +data: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\User {#1255 …} +value: "5" +label: "roxane" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 6 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1292 +data: App\Entity\User {#1287 …} +value: "6" +label: "magali" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 34 => Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1298 +data: App\Entity\User {#1199 …} +value: "34" +label: "masaegimbayashi" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } ] |
compound | false |
data | null |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#1311 -errors: [] -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#974 …} } |
expanded | false |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#1097 …5} |
full_name | "comment1[author]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "comment1_author" |
is_selected | Closure($choice, $value) {#1123 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType" } |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
multiple | false |
name | "author" |
placeholder | null |
placeholder_attr | [] |
placeholder_in_choices | false |
preferred_choices | [] |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
separator | "-------------------" |
separator_html | false |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_comment1_author" |
valid | true |
value | "" |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | "1b03f37e84a9dd0e80ad5b5e55133.nFJo8J-8lmq-82Orls6CS8B-UkGPvJiS-P8MhYJ0m1c.sWBeiO3RyQyTnjCa--PgG6s_HBH179P3p6109OwR9BCpAS6bztv3O-m9Kg" |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
block_prefix | "csrf_token" |
same as passed value |
data | "1b03f37e84a9dd0e80ad5b5e55133.nFJo8J-8lmq-82Orls6CS8B-UkGPvJiS-P8MhYJ0m1c.sWBeiO3RyQyTnjCa--PgG6s_HBH179P3p6109OwR9BCpAS6bztv3O-m9Kg" |
same as passed value |
mapped | false |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | "csrf_token" |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#310 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#320 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#321 …} -namespace: Closure() {#323 …} } |
data | "1b03f37e84a9dd0e80ad5b5e55133.nFJo8J-8lmq-82Orls6CS8B-UkGPvJiS-P8MhYJ0m1c.sWBeiO3RyQyTnjCa--PgG6s_HBH179P3p6109OwR9BCpAS6bztv3O-m9Kg" |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#1341 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The hidden field is invalid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#1330 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#227 …} $message: Closure() {#1329 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "hidden" "csrf_token" "_comment1__token" ] |
cache_key | "_comment1__token_hidden" |
compound | false |
data | "1b03f37e84a9dd0e80ad5b5e55133.nFJo8J-8lmq-82Orls6CS8B-UkGPvJiS-P8MhYJ0m1c.sWBeiO3RyQyTnjCa--PgG6s_HBH179P3p6109OwR9BCpAS6bztv3O-m9Kg" |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#1350 -errors: [] -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1106 …} } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#1333 …5} |
full_name | "comment1[_token]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "comment1__token" |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "_token" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_comment1__token" |
valid | true |
value | "1b03f37e84a9dd0e80ad5b5e55133.nFJo8J-8lmq-82Orls6CS8B-UkGPvJiS-P8MhYJ0m1c.sWBeiO3RyQyTnjCa--PgG6s_HBH179P3p6109OwR9BCpAS6bztv3O-m9Kg" |